Robert Favre-Steudler

Born in 1929, he spent his childhood in Biel. From 1945 until 1949 he did an apprenticeship as a designer of machines with “ALLEMAND”, a company based in Evilard, which became the press factory “ESSA” in Brügg. He married Paulette Steudler in 1950 and began working in the family business “RESSORTS INDUSTRIELS PAUL STEUDLER“. The business grew thanks to the purchase of new machines and the expansion of the company. The ever more powerful and advanced machines made it possible to produce very small springs for watches. The arrival of automatic devices made work significantly easier. With the death of Paul Steudler in 1965, the company was renamed “R.FAVRE-STEUDLER”. Robert and Paulette Favre took up the reins and managed the business for many years. Their son Philippe started in 1978. Robert Favre continued his activities until 2000 and withdrew gradually following an illness. He died in February 2013. Even today, Paulette Favre continues to lend a helping hand.